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With Dan Jarvis ruling himself out I would suggest the fight would be a three way affair with Burnham, Umunna and Cooper going for the top job. The dark lord himself seemed to be comfortable sitting on Marr's couch yesterday with Umunna but he is still under 40 so I think he will be seen as just too young.
I don't think Andy Burnham would be popular with the voters and surely to god the labour party aren't going to elect someone called Tristam to be leader? Lammy and Creasy for me are destined for top jobs in the shadow cabinet so that leaves Yvette Cooper.
She would be popular and a good choice - Dan Jarvis would have been a rereshing change as well but even more refreshing to hear that he is putting his family first and won't be running.
I was going to run a LibDem leader thread but then thought, Who gives a F***?
Interestingly, the bookies have not given up on Miliband Major making a late bid.