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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

As long as they're talking and working to get it done ASAP, there is a chance that it could be today. That's all it is at the moment though - a chance.

I don't blame you. The Martins have plenty of very recent history of doing exactly what post #5,573 describes. That's why it's not worth getting too carried away by positive noises.
This post is very pertinent now!

There was a chance for completion today, had a certain someone not woken up on the prick side of bed this morning.

Unfortunately, we're not quite there yet. I won't celebrate until I have confirmation that SEL's shares in SUFC are in COSU's hands, and there's a story on the website.

What is it Kev says to the players? Don't get too high after the wins, or too low after the defeats. That's my motto in this too..

All of that being said, it can't be denied that it's a huge, huge step to have lawyers instructed. We are so nearly there.

My attention now turns to the National League. Hopefully they don't do anything stupid, and allow this sale the time it needs to be wrapped-up.

Enjoy your beers @CllrDanielCowan !
Now im not a religous man But i pry to god that this is finaly over Pease lord dont let Ron ,artin his son be aloud to change there minds The club needs this the fans need this And the tree amigos need this to start the season on a level playing field
Lawyers have been instructed so it’s very very close
Let's just hope they don't find anything that doesn't work.

Sorry to seem pessimistic but I just find it hard to have hope. Plus my brother is a corporate lawyer and, knowing very well how many deals collapse at this point (around 40%), he is not getting excited yet.