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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

If there was 500 plus outside his house I’m sure he’d care if we were a proper fan base this would have been sorted by now do you think this would happen at a club like millwall ?

the bigger protests during the season, including the larger gatherings down essex way, honking etc and the Southend march through the high street, definitely forced more action I believe, the neighbours must have hated him for it. My one big fear was once the season dispersed, so would the fan base and direct anger, and I think he knew this, spotlight went away. The MASS protests are the only way to force some more prompt action in my opinion
So why are you? Have you been outside Rons house every day? If not then you are no better or worse than the fanbase that you are slagging off. As previously been stated by some ITKs, Ron doesnt take kindly to people outside his house but it actually has the opposite affect that you are looking forward. It just makes him more stubborn and actually puts the deal further at risk. Thats not hear say, that has been mentioned by people closer to the deal than any of us. Protest if you like and im sure there will be a few that will join but when the council and also Cosu specifically asked people not to protest there was a reason behind it. its a bit of a catch 22 really, damned if you do, damned if you dont
You are Southends super fan where are you today ? Why aren’t you doing anything. About to ?? To far to travel
Because it needs mass backing from the fanbase and especially the trust.. which they seem reluctant to do
I totally agree. the best numbers that have been attended are when there are specific details/planned properly. This isnt happening. The Trust are very close to Cosu and the Council so if they have been asked not protest then they have to protect their relationship. The recent protests have been small in numbers due to the time frame given and also not supporter group led. As much as we all love the club, a majority are employed, have families etc etc its not always that simple to just drop everything and descend on Rons. Im not against you at all and you clearly are passionate as the rest of us but there are many reasons why the recent protests havent been attended in numbers and that is mainly due to the requests from Cosu/SCC not to. But you must do what you feel is right
I totally agree. the best numbers that have been attended are when there are specific details/planned properly. This isnt happening. The Trust are very close to Cosu and the Council so if they have been asked not protest then they have to protect their relationship. The recent protests have been small in numbers due to the time frame given and also not supporter group led. As much as we all love the club, a majority are employed, have families etc etc its not always that simple to just drop everything and descend on Rons. Im not against you at all and you clearly are passionate as the rest of us but there are many reasons why the recent protests havent been attended in numbers and that is mainly due to the requests from Cosu/SCC not to. But you must do what you feel is right
I fully agree with you the small timeframes make it impossible. What I find hard to understand is why the statement from the trust was "keep your weekends free" and then nothing happened. Cosu have 0 control currently over this deal. Ron is holding out. But unfortunately it seems the protest group are sick of the lack of support they've have been getting. Which is a massive loss no matter what your views on this is
You are Southends super fan where are you today ? Why aren’t you doing anything. About to ?? To far to travel
Ive no idea what you are talking about. You always have an agenda against me, not sure why you are so obsessed. As far a super fan, there are many more more worthy than i of that title. Im not sure how old you are, maybe you are at school. But grown ups have to work to earn a living to then travel the many miles we do. Ive attended many of the protests at Rons, and the high street etc but having been asked not to ive decided to take note. the fact that only 7 turned up at the last protests suggests that many many others are in the same situation or feel the same. feel free to DM me if you wish to continue your wierd obsession but slagging people on here for something that one man is responsible for is not the answer
I fully agree with you the small timeframes make it impossible. What I find hard to understand is why the statement from the trust was "keep your weekends free" and then nothing happened. Cosu have 0 control currently over this deal. Ron is holding out. But unfortunately it seems the protest group are sick of the lack of support they've have been getting. Which is a massive loss no matter what your views on this is
i can see your point totally. The Trust are stuck between a rock and hard place. Theyve been asked not to get behind protests but agree at times the messages have mixed signals. There was a point where it looked likely that a mass protest organised by all groups was on the cards but then for whatever reasons it was pulled (maybe instruction from Cosu/SCC). I dont know the answers. The whole situation is tiring and am absolute mess and its caused by one man and one man only.
I've often wondered why, when supporters make their own minds up on things, they are labelled with stupid name calling, just because they don't agree with others views. We are near the end of the road, whatever that is, and we will either be rid of the Martins for ever or they will ruin the club for ever. If anyone thinks it makes sense to protest before the 'end', then just get on with it instead of whinging on here. If I agree with you, then I'll join in, just like I have already in the past. If I don't join in, then it's because I don't agree it will help.
I’m glad we are back round to a handful of people demanding protests again, and then criticising the same fanbase they are asking to protest. Then the people arguing that the protests do nothing.

Couple more days and it’ll be Stan/TL/Crate’s/ITK’s fault.

Then back to the council. Then the Trust. 🥱

It’s all down to one (or two if you include the son) person and his greed. Whether it’s because he wants more money, or needs more money because of the amount of borrowing he has done.

I think everyone needs to remember who is really at fault here.
I’m glad we are back round to a handful of people demanding protests again, and then criticising the same fanbase they are asking to protest. Then the people arguing that the protests do nothing.

Couple more days and it’ll be Stan/TL/Crate’s/ITK’s fault.

Then back to the council. Then the Trust. 🥱

It’s all down to one (or two if you include the son) person and his greed. Whether it’s because he wants more money, or needs more money because of the amount of borrowing he has done.

I think everyone needs to remember who is really at fault here.
I’m glad we are back round to a handful of people demanding protests again, and then criticising the same fanbase they are asking to protest. Then the people arguing that the protests do nothing.

Couple more days and it’ll be Stan/TL/Crate’s/ITK’s fault.

Then back to the council. Then the Trust. 🥱

It’s all down to one (or two if you include the son) person and his greed. Whether it’s because he wants more money, or needs more money because of the amount of borrowing he has done.

I think everyone needs to remember who is really at fault here.
I’m blaming it on the bluebells and Elvis The Eel personally
Go on … what do you reckon will happen ? A few shouty words some aggressive emails ? What do you really think our fans will do , given what you have seen them do upto this point
Now listen young man, Crickers is only giving his opinion and doesn't need an oink like you wading in with a passive aggressive message.

The mans a MOD FGS and bleeds blue so you should apologise for this barbaric response which is damn right blitzkrieg.

Mods- weeks ban is about right and a strong worded DM to this knuckle dragging moronic bafoon.
I’m glad we are back round to a handful of people demanding protests again, and then criticising the same fanbase they are asking to protest. Then the people arguing that the protests do nothing.

Couple more days and it’ll be Stan/TL/Crate’s/ITK’s fault.

Then back to the council. Then the Trust. 🥱

It’s all down to one (or two if you include the son) person and his greed. Whether it’s because he wants more money, or needs more money because of the amount of borrowing he has done.

I think everyone needs to remember who is really at fault here.
exactly mate, spot on