Aberdeen Shrimper
Is it me or is the New look (not so new now) Official Web site just like the Emperors clothes??
Every one thinks it is Crap but know one mentions it…………………..
Or is it really popular and it is just me, because I must hold my hands up and say that I hate it with a passion. I miss the old OS
It may be because I have not used it enough although maybe the reason I have not used it that much is because it seems like hard work to navigate.To me it appears to be all over the show.
Does anyone agree or am I just being a nit picking Technophobe
Every one thinks it is Crap but know one mentions it…………………..
Or is it really popular and it is just me, because I must hold my hands up and say that I hate it with a passion. I miss the old OS
It may be because I have not used it enough although maybe the reason I have not used it that much is because it seems like hard work to navigate.To me it appears to be all over the show.
Does anyone agree or am I just being a nit picking Technophobe