Life President
I'm sorry, but this band are f*cking terrible.
I got given their album for free, and i still feel completely ripped off. Apart from one song, two at a stretch, it's the worst collection of dirty electro "nu rave" ****e i've ever heard.
It sounds as if someone recorded the sounds of a dying cat, looped it over a drum beat and paid 3 skag addicts to groan and scream over it. Thanks for perforating my ear drums, you jumped up soap dodging c*nts.
I got given their album for free, and i still feel completely ripped off. Apart from one song, two at a stretch, it's the worst collection of dirty electro "nu rave" ****e i've ever heard.
It sounds as if someone recorded the sounds of a dying cat, looped it over a drum beat and paid 3 skag addicts to groan and scream over it. Thanks for perforating my ear drums, you jumped up soap dodging c*nts.
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