So the UK's drug advisor says something the government doesn't want to hear and he gets sacked.
What's the point of advising if the cretins in charge don't listen to the evidence and just pander to middle England?
There's no grown up thinking when it comes to drugs in this country.
Not just drugs though Paul is it? If you have the audacity to voice an opinion on something which doesn't conform to the Government's thinking then you're susceptible to a "move" of some kind. It's why I get so cross with all the nanny state stuff.
If people were made to stand on their own two feet and take the odd risk, if there wasn't the ridiculous compensation and benefit culture and people had to work, doing anything almost to earn cash then things wouldn't be anywhere near as bad.
Drugs are endemic, my friend's boy has just got caught with some, he's 16, thinks he knows it all. There IS no deterrent so legalise at the lowest level.
Legalise all drugs. Let them take what they want. Price of drugs comes down. Drug crime disappears millions of pounds trying to catch drug smugglers is saved.
Here is a first.
I totally and utterly agree with you.
I'd go further though. Users should register as users and be able to get them on prescription from the local chemists. Eradicates dirty drugs, overdoses and wipes a large section of criminal activity away in one foul swoop.
Fortunately the nhs is still based on an ideal of 'what you need' instead of 'what you can offer'.
But make them do something to "earn" them - that is the problem in this country, people think they are owed something when they've contributed nothing. People have little respect for each other, and people are so bogged down with legalities and paperwork that they don't have time to do the actual things they need to hence the gross mismanagement of numerous cases of abuse reported - of all kinds.
Osy, back to the subject, is it drugs that cause 99% of your posts?
I think this is a different argument to what Nutt is trying to focus on. The huge majority of drug users are like you or I, work Monday to Friday then do some coke, weed and pills at the weekend. It's no big deal, and thr vast body of research suggests it's probablynless dangerous than drinking to excess, and has less long term issues compared to alcohol and tobacco. Heroin and crack are on a differnt level, and Nutt isn't focussing on that. However again, if they weren't criminalised then it might be easier for them to get proper support, contribute to the economy and and benefit society... Rather than move in and out of prison and hospital.
I'll make a proper post on this on Monday cos it's close to home for me too
Osy, back to the subject, is it drugs that cause 99% of your posts?
Ive already refused drugs im just having counselling now thank you (its more funny because its true :S).
On the legalised drugs part , its an imposed moral and economic choice and when the science shows that this rationally is in the case of cannabis for instance ridiculous , its been ignored . The Tories would have done teh same thing.
No political party will ever have the balls to tackle the drug issue in this country as it's an instant vote loser.