SJP Taxi & Private Hire ⭐️
Searching a few of the old videos that were thought to have been lost, I can now say have been found!! so here I present video number 1
1. True Blue is currently in the 'Hadleigh Kebab' where he stumbles apon a stunning west country lass who is ordering a bean burger!!!
2. At TBTV head office we have my personal assistant, now I have decided that I will place a 'lady finger' (stuff you use for sponge in puddings) on her shoulder! also including some random dance!
3. And for my final video and this goes out to all the women in TBTV land! question. Fancy a trip to True Blue heaven? here is a view from one lucky punter!! (But did it really happen? thats for you to find out!)
1. True Blue is currently in the 'Hadleigh Kebab' where he stumbles apon a stunning west country lass who is ordering a bean burger!!!
2. At TBTV head office we have my personal assistant, now I have decided that I will place a 'lady finger' (stuff you use for sponge in puddings) on her shoulder! also including some random dance!
3. And for my final video and this goes out to all the women in TBTV land! question. Fancy a trip to True Blue heaven? here is a view from one lucky punter!! (But did it really happen? thats for you to find out!)