Javea Shrimper
Here is the list of those players who had played the most minutes this season in actual play .v. availability (i.e. in what percentage did those who made it to the matchday 16 actually played).
Would these be our top XI for this season? I would think so ...
1. Kevin Maher 99.75%
2. Carl Pettefer 97.06%
3. Bart Griemink 91.72%
4. Super Cheese Wilson 91.43%
5. Adam Barrett 90.42%
6. Mark Bentley 89.76%
7. Spencer Prior 88.67%
8. Freddy Eastwood 82.26%
9. Lewis Hunt 75.06%
10. Wayne Gray 74.63%
11. Mark Gower 73.82%
Would these be our top XI for this season? I would think so ...
1. Kevin Maher 99.75%
2. Carl Pettefer 97.06%
3. Bart Griemink 91.72%
4. Super Cheese Wilson 91.43%
5. Adam Barrett 90.42%
6. Mark Bentley 89.76%
7. Spencer Prior 88.67%
8. Freddy Eastwood 82.26%
9. Lewis Hunt 75.06%
10. Wayne Gray 74.63%
11. Mark Gower 73.82%