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Echo News Southend United's first squad under boss Kevin Maher

Crikey, Kev and his amigos have assembled such a better squad now.
Can someone with time on there hands (Naps) give us the exact amount of time in days that Kev & Co have actually been able to bring players in as opposed to being under an Embargo?

Embargo - x days
Not under Embargo - x days

The majority of the players we have now were signed in a very small amount of time. Imagine what they could have done given a half decent Chairman.
Can someone with time on there hands (Naps) give us the exact amount of time in days that Kev & Co have actually been able to bring players in as opposed to being under an Embargo?

Embargo - x days
Not under Embargo - x days

The majority of the players we have now were signed in a very small amount of time. Imagine what they could have done given a half decent Chairman.
Embargo - September 20th (328 Days)
Last Permanent Signing - 19th July 2022 (391 Days)
Not Under Embargo - 20th Oct 2021 - 19th September 2022 - 335 Days

Embargo to 23rd August is 338 Days

This is not including any other potential embargos
Embargo - September 20th (328 Days)
Last Permanent Signing - 19th July 2022 (391 Days)
Not Under Embargo - 20th Oct 2021 - 19th September 2022 - 335 Days

Embargo to 23rd August is 338 Days

This is not including any other potential embargos
Wow just shows how much impact being under Embargo can have. I saw it mentioned elsewhere that the goings on have galvanised the Management team and players.

What a Team we truly are. 💙
What Kev has done the last 3 years amazing and the coaching team first manager position top 7 last two seasons and top of the league so far in the 3rd season come on you blues
Embargo - September 20th (328 Days)
Last Permanent Signing - 19th July 2022 (391 Days)
Not Under Embargo - 20th Oct 2021 - 19th September 2022 - 335 Days

Embargo to 23rd August is 338 Days

This is not including any other potential embargos
Ollie Kensdale’s last game for Concord was 20th November 2021. He was training with us but didn’t officially join us until 31st December 2021.

We weren’t under embargo 28th October 2021 as we signed Lopata and Brunt on loan, so some time between 28th October 2021 and 26th November 2021 we were back under an embargo until 31st December 2021.