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No ⭐
Oct 27, 2003
The wilds of Kent
Looks like he's off to pastures new

@ryanmurrant just seen your leaving mate, good luck in your next role, you've done an amazing job getting more people engaged with the club

Ryan Murrant ‏@ryanmurrant 14m
Thanks mate. Very very proud of what I achieved there. All going in the right direction.
Yeah, saw that on Twitter last night too. Any news on where he's going? (Apart from lots of Leicester City matches)
I had a couple of ticketing issues last year which he sorted quickly and efficiently.
Wish him all the best for the future.
Seemed like he was doing a good job, anytime I raised anything he would personally respond and very quickly too.

No idea if he was just on a contract or the reasons for leaving though.
Clubs seem more interested in taking our staff rather than our players.
What game are the club playing when they choose to get rid of a guy who was completely approachable with brilliant ideas to encourage more fans to attend games. He has won awards for fan engagement at the clubs he has been involved with. SUFC's loss.
Does anyone know the circumstances ?

Was he just here for a set contract?

Does seem to be a strange decision if it's one the club made as seemed to be doing lots of good things.
I would imagine if you job is to improve the gate, and the gate is, on average down, that could be a reason why.. who knows though!
I'm not sure, but I remember looking at a job advertised at the club a while ago, with the job description making it clear that failure to secure funds from local businesses and/or grant money would lead to the job being terminated. If this was Ryan's job, this may explain his departure if he wasn't successful in this regard. Mr Kavanagh was a bit grumpy last night (again) about the fact that local businesses didn't seem to want anything to do with SUFC. Flicking through Ryan's twitter, there's no sign he knew he was leaving - he refers to future games at RH and is positive about the future. Shame, I'm sure he was a nice guy.
Had a lot if time for Ryan, really tried to engage the young supporters of the club and the whole idea of getting the youngsters to read out the teams, my son Ben did it twice, was brilliant and unforgettable for the kids, our future fans. Very proactive on the marketing side and seemed very forward thinking. I spoke with him quite a few times and i know he was frustrated at the lack of support he got from above on some of his ideas, maybe he was being held back and therefore decided his future lie elsewhere. I know he was ****ed off that he had to pay for two season tickets for his family so that they could attend matches at roots hall etc. A real loss to the club
It's a poisoned chalice that job.

With the reputation (or lack of) the club has, it's an almost impossible task to increase numbers through the gate and/or bring in new business/finance. As demonstrated by the lack of decent shirt sponsor offers this summer.

It's another "hands tied" role, that even the best marketing guru in the world would struggle with. Good luck to his replacement, he will certainly need it.
It's a poisoned chalice that job.

With the reputation (or lack of) the club has, it's an almost impossible task to increase numbers through the gate and/or bring in new business/finance. As demonstrated by the lack of decent shirt sponsor offers this summer.

It's another "hands tied" role, that even the best marketing guru in the world would struggle with. Good luck to his replacement, he will certainly need it.

Do you know that for sure? My understanding is that there were decent offers, but they were turned down.