Shrimp in a Kilt
Coming second in the Premiership means no day off tomorrow - it's now European Cup Competition. This is a straight head to head knockout. At 10:00am the competition opens, and you select your club. You select Southend (unless you are Maisie) and start playing. What is different is that you can't see how well or badly your team is doing. The scores are only revealed at the end of the match, so all you can do is post score after score and hope your opponents are one of the duff teams from Scandinavia! Another difference is that you have to enter one of those Code in a Funky Box thingies to validate every score.
Click Here to start.
PS ignore the instruction about choosing a Premiership Striker - the list that appears is the Clubs in Europe.
Click Here to start.
PS ignore the instruction about choosing a Premiership Striker - the list that appears is the Clubs in Europe.