yogi bear up the cagire
Life President⭐
When I open the lounge window shutters in the morning I'm confronted by the image on my avatar, namely the Cagire mountain. It appears such a peaceful and benign sight, although, as a keen hiker in the mountains myself, I'm aware that it is not without its dangers. In all the twenty-five years in Saint Gaudens, I can't remember a fatality on the Cagire and then, on New Year's Day, two women 'randonneuses' have tragically fallen to their deaths within hours of each other and both in about the same spot. The 'Crête' is a narrow passage between the two mountains, a bit daunting and probably one of the reasons my daughter isn't over keen to accompany me up there even when there isn't any snow. The snow covered by rain which had immediately frozen into ice proved a deadly combination. Without real alpine equipment it's clearly not an idea to venture out at this height (1900m).........or even lower. Enjoy the mountains but always show them great respect. Following the tragedy access to the peak has now been forbidden until further notice.
When I open the lounge window shutters in the morning I'm confronted by the image on my avatar, namely the Cagire mountain. It appears such a peaceful and benign sight, although, as a keen hiker in the mountains myself, I'm aware that it is not without its dangers. In all the twenty-five years in Saint Gaudens, I can't remember a fatality on the Cagire and then, on New Year's Day, two women 'randonneuses' have tragically fallen to their deaths within hours of each other and both in about the same spot. The 'Crête' is a narrow passage between the two mountains, a bit daunting and probably one of the reasons my daughter isn't over keen to accompany me up there even when there isn't any snow. The snow covered by rain which had immediately frozen into ice proved a deadly combination. Without real alpine equipment it's clearly not an idea to venture out at this height (1900m).........or even lower. Enjoy the mountains but always show them great respect. Following the tragedy access to the peak has now been forbidden until further notice.
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