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Messages of support for Kimura


Life President⭐
Jan 21, 2007
We know/suspect that the Kimura boys have been present on this board.

Why not give them some messages of good will, so that know we are behind them. Not just because we want Ron gone but because we want a stable and we'll run football club, with owners who have progression in mind.

Come on Kimura. You guys would be so welcomed at this wonderful football club.

Buy us and watch us soar. Crowds of 8k will be the norm and your names will be sung by many.

Give the club a fighting chance and see how much joy it can bring you both.
Come on guys you can do this Southend are massive where ever they go
Kimura, we are with you. We all get that Ron is an absolute **** and are all hoping you can do all that's possible to get this over the line. If you can pull this off, this will be the start of something massive.
Ron is blaming you guys for all this. Most don’t believe it for a second. Let us know if there is anything supporters can do to help
As @Smiffy recently posted, when dealing with narcissists the best way to get a deal is to let them feel like they've won. Ron lives in a bit of a parallel universe, the man needs his ego. The best way to get the deal is to let him keep it whilst still getting the deal you need. Let's hope you can find a way to strike that balance. Our club almost entirely depends upon your success in this.
Whatever the shortfall in debt is that has been uncovered will more than be recouped in season ticket monies and increased gates once Ron has left the building.

If you produced some Ron has left the building merchandise to sell in the club shop that would probably be snapped up as well.

You'll make your profit in purchasing Southend just on the bounce of getting rid of Ron.
Enjoy your popularity whilst on honeymoon period

If not got us European football in six years, the same people calling for you to buy the club, will be the same complaining you are not spending enough on players, despite having an aging Messi in our team
Kings riding into the battle,
In removing Ron from his saddle.
Men, women and children they cried,
United in seeing Martin wave goodbye.
Revitalised after winning an endless siege,
All aboard HMS Pi$$theleague.
To Simon and Kris

Weve hit rock bottom, we cant go any lower. We are a big and passionate fan base who travel home and away in big numbers, if not the biggest in this league.

Ron has taken us to the bottom of hell. Please help turn this club of ours round.

We are desperate, demoralised, depressed (not a word i use lightly) and heart broken. We are a family club with blue running through our veins. We dont support the club for glory, we support it because its a huge part of our lives and generations before us.

Take us over, give us our club back and just watch it flourish and take off. You will never be able to undertsand what it means to us until you become a part of it

What you see now is fans vs owner and has been for 10+ years more or less, yet we still get 6'500 to 7'000 at home games in non league after 3 successive relegations and awful ownership.

Imagine what they would be if we were all pulling in the same direction. The fans of this club want to work with an owner that manages us correctly, makes us sustainable. We are not expecting money thrown at us to buy success. We want to earn it through shrewd, sustainable management. Us fans want to help the club grow and prosper with the correct ownership in place. There are a lot of skilled and talented people amonst our fanbase that would do much more that buy season tickets, and buy shirts if the owners engage and embrace the fans.
A lot want to help the club now under the current ownership, but understandably are nervious of being taken advantage of and screwed over. We don't want to feather the current owners pockets.

Under new ownership, I can see crowds nudging 9 - 10k quite quickly in NL and an opportunity to attract and retain new fans quite easily going forward. Get us back to the EFL and new stadium and I think we could really capitalise on the rebuilding of the club league status, stature and reputation.
As Del once said, 'You know it makes sense'
Simon, Kris and the Kimura Group

I am sure you know the history of this great club and all it can offer.

Please excuse me but I will be straight to the point. I know you are very likely working tirelessly to sort a deal but I am begging you to do whatever you can to get this absolutely crook out of our club.

You will literally be treated like Royalty/ Messiahs/ Gods for the rest of time.
To Simon and Kris

Weve hit rock bottom, we cant go any lower. We are a big and passionate fan base who travel home and away in big numbers, if not the biggest in this league.

Ron has taken us to the bottom of hell. Please help turn this club of ours round.

We are desperate, demoralised, depressed (not a word i use lightly) and heart broken. We are a family club with blue running through our veins. We dont support the club for glory, we support it because its a huge part of our lives and generations before us.

Take us over, give us our club back and just watch it flourish and take off. You will never be able to undertsand what it means to us until you become a part of it

Speak for yourself.
