I at first didn't realise this was fake, and even when I did, I didn't find it very funny to be honest...
However seems to be raising a lot of money very quickly:
In 4 hours the fake account has raised over £10k for the DEC appeal: http://www.justgiving.com/dmreporter/
Now I'm not a Liz Jones fan (and I enjoyed this take down of her the other day - http://www.briankellett.net/brian-kellett-dot-net/2011/8/1/raised-expectations.html?SSLoginOk=true ), and certainly not a Daily Mail fan, but usually find DMReporter tweets quite funny. Even though there was a point to it all, and a lot of money is being raised, I'm still not sure I am comfortable with many of the tweets - Have a read yourself here... http://twitter.com/#!/LizJonesSomalia
However fair play to everyone who has decided to donate.
However seems to be raising a lot of money very quickly:
In 4 hours the fake account has raised over £10k for the DEC appeal: http://www.justgiving.com/dmreporter/
Now I'm not a Liz Jones fan (and I enjoyed this take down of her the other day - http://www.briankellett.net/brian-kellett-dot-net/2011/8/1/raised-expectations.html?SSLoginOk=true ), and certainly not a Daily Mail fan, but usually find DMReporter tweets quite funny. Even though there was a point to it all, and a lot of money is being raised, I'm still not sure I am comfortable with many of the tweets - Have a read yourself here... http://twitter.com/#!/LizJonesSomalia
However fair play to everyone who has decided to donate.