The website monitor of the Football League has advised the Club that comments made on Shrimperzone on the subject of Luton's populace were considered to be racially offensive.
Whislt considering that we have no control over your site's content you do utilise, without authority, the Club's badgeand to that extent it may be inferred that these comments and content maybe suppoted by the Club. I make it clear that the Club Directors, Management and staff do not support these views and wholeheartedly support the Kick Racism Out of Football Campaign.
Please would the moderator of Shrimperzone pay particular attention to these sort of issues. Your cooperation would be appreciated.
Whislt considering that we have no control over your site's content you do utilise, without authority, the Club's badgeand to that extent it may be inferred that these comments and content maybe suppoted by the Club. I make it clear that the Club Directors, Management and staff do not support these views and wholeheartedly support the Kick Racism Out of Football Campaign.
Please would the moderator of Shrimperzone pay particular attention to these sort of issues. Your cooperation would be appreciated.