I've been recreating a 3D model the stadium the last couple of months and it's been going well but I'm having trouble with a lot of stuff. Mainly lack of photo's. I've mainly used the plans from the council website as the guide but it misses parts out. I've got a vague idea but i'm a bit of a perfectionist and I'm sure once i saw a picture of the model. Had anyone got any. Also does anyone know if it's still at the club to be viewed at all?
I'll show an example of where I was at a few weeks back. I've haven't rendered or completed most of what you can see but it obviously shows good idea of the detail i'm trying to put in. I'm having trouble piecing together the shops etc lower and upper floors in the link between the stadium as it joins into the shops. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_5W7crQb20qo/TP958H4ch2I/AAAAAAAAA4I/Yhf0xPINbWg/s800/ff701.jpg
I've been recreating a 3D model the stadium the last couple of months and it's been going well but I'm having trouble with a lot of stuff. Mainly lack of photo's. I've mainly used the plans from the council website as the guide but it misses parts out. I've got a vague idea but i'm a bit of a perfectionist and I'm sure once i saw a picture of the model. Had anyone got any. Also does anyone know if it's still at the club to be viewed at all?
I'll show an example of where I was at a few weeks back. I've haven't rendered or completed most of what you can see but it obviously shows good idea of the detail i'm trying to put in. I'm having trouble piecing together the shops etc lower and upper floors in the link between the stadium as it joins into the shops. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_5W7crQb20qo/TP958H4ch2I/AAAAAAAAA4I/Yhf0xPINbWg/s800/ff701.jpg