Apparently eleven caravans have moved to an area in the private road not covered by the original judgement. Basildon council will have to start a new legal process. Made me laugh out loud. Go on the travellers!
Apparently eleven caravans have moved to an area in the private road not covered by the original judgement. Basildon council will have to start a new legal process. Made me laugh out loud. Go on the travellers!
Apparently eleven caravans have moved to an area in the private road not covered by the original judgement. Basildon council will have to start a new legal process. Made me laugh out loud. Go on the travellers!
Light touchpaper and stand well back.......
Large % just moved on to legal site after initial eviction anyway.
Local residents are making official complaints about mounds of earth that Basildon council have left to stop travellers returning to original site as they are an 'eye sore'. Would they rather have travellers back?!
Basildon only have themselves to blame. They had all the travellers in one site and could have come to a deal backed up with closer regulation of the site. Instead they chose to go with the most expensive solution possible with the risk of creating more problems over a wider area which could go on endlessly.
Perhaps SupaBlue could start a dialogue and invite them in from their pitch in his back garden for sunday lunch.
You didn't answer Supa when he mentioned them moving close to you, so go on then ...
As I say i've regularly dealt with travellers in my work and do not have a problem with them. In this case it is not as if the residents who live around dale farm no longer have to live next door to travellers as half of them are still there.
The eviction did not clear the entire site and the relations between the remaining travellers and the local residents will now be even worse. Added to this the area now looks like a bomb site or and we've spent £18 million quid.
Apart from satisfying the general feeling of hatred towards travellers and enforcing planning laws that are widely regarded as a joke what else has actually been achieved?
If they had not moved them they woud have set a dangerous precedent that would allow anyone to build anything on any land they owned.
You didnt reply to my "why dont you join them" question.
You must learn that your 'them' and 'us' approach to life isn't healthy. Just because someone is culturally different from me or holds different views doesn't mean that I have to hate them. Just try to think like this for a couple of minutes, I guarantee you'll feel less hateful and genuinely happier.
I don't even hate you steveo, although I do pity you and see myself as superior to you.
In your opinion.You must learn that your 'them' and 'us' approach to life isn't healthy
Me neither. However if they continually steal and break the law then I do dislike them. There are plenty of other people culturally different from me who I dont hate - why should I?Just because someone is culturally different from me or holds different views doesn't mean that I have to hate them
Why pity me? You dont know me at all. And in what way are you superior? Harder working? Better Father? Better at Tiddlywinks? Maybe its your admiration for tax dogers? Or is it simply your belief that eveyone should have everything they want and not have to pay anything for it.although I do pity you and see myself as superior to you