I work in a large straight office environment in the middle of the city. Anyway yesterday we had our christmas lunch in the staff canteen. All 8 people i work with were in attendance including a contractor that had been working with us for about 2 months. Anyway we start queuing for food and a collegue of mine informs me that our contractor is acting perculiar behind us. He comes into my sight with glazed eyes and then repeats the words out loud in front of about 30 people ''We are going for food, yes we are going for food''. This is completely slurred and after about the 3rd time i start laughing like the others. Anyway he's totally oblvious and barges past us and goes to a table next to the queue eating there christmas food. He grabs hold of a plate of leftovers on this table and in the middle of the queue starts eating cold food with his hands. He then drops the plate which smashes on the floor. He starts picking up the food with his hands and attempts to eat it before being frog marched out by our manager where he was thrown off site. Anyway it get weirder. One of our managers comes down at the point of him leaving and informs us that prior to us turning our back and going to the canteen he had disposed a whole box of cadburys celebrations in about 3mins, fallen over and asked to see one of the girls tits in the office. The unforunately chap was fired and tried to claim today that he was on medication and it had a side affect, unforunately whilst f*cked he'd texted a collegue to inform them that his behaviour was due to taking ketamine by mistake at around mid-day. F*cking funny and better than the ****ty turkey that i had to endure.