Are there many? Seems all businesses are struggling a bit/lot or closing down altogether.
But how much suffering is self-inflicted? Some people have £000's on credit cards, loans etc. not to survive but to "keep up with the Jones's".
Maybe it's my age but I was brought up with "If you can't buy it outright, you can't have it". OK apart from the mortgage I have pretty much lived my life that way. I have no credit of any form and live my life within my means. OK I know I bought the MR2 but I'd saved for 2 years to buy it.
My house might need "refreshing" but it's mine all mine. I like that feeling.
Our place hasnt been recruiting externally for a year atleast so hopefully that move sometime back will stand those already here well and any redundancies will be either at very much a minimum or voluntary.
There is always huge amounts of Money to be made in a downturn.....the main thing is the Risk it involves....When to take that step forward of when to hold back. I am still on the fence at the moment but for sure will be looking for advantages in the new year.
I also feel terribly sorry for those that are suffering so much at the moment and could possibly lose jobs. I do not know the answer, it seems to me this is just the capitalist environment we have created....It's about survival now and that is kinda sad.
Remember this, the chinese word for crisis consists of two verbs, danger and opportunity folks so its not all doom and gloom as our media seem to think.
People spend Money for different reasons..Whilst I agree with the simplicity of only spending what you have...Credit card firms/Mortgage Companies have for years encouraged people to spend now, pay later....You may be a very wise man Rob and were brought up in a certain manner, this unfortunately does not cater for most these days.Simple credit was dished out, people took advantage of is always a two way street.
The old illusion of wealth based uon the perceived value of principal private dwelling house.
About time full time educators are required to teach the realities of managing personal financial affairs.
Again I agree, kids should be taught how to manage their finances at school, before they get into the big bad world of making credit very east to attain, but often very hard to pay back!