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Supporters Group News Big Announcement From The Combined Groups Coming Tomorrow Morning.

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Zone Owner⭐⭐
Staff member
Oct 25, 2006
Hi people, all the supporters groups have had an emergency meeting this evening and will be announcing the outcome of that and what they are putting into action by early tomorrow morning.

Watch this space.

I will say it was a great meeting and reminded me of that scene in Independence day..

""WE will not go quietly into the night" "We will not lay down and die"
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Hi people, all the supporters groups have had an emergency meeting this evening and will be announcing the outcome of that and what they are putting into action by early tomorrow morning.

Watch this space.

I will say it was a great meeting and reminded me of that scene in Independence day..

"WE will not lay down and die"
I take it Martin is the alien 👽
Hi people, all the supporters groups have had an emergency meeting this evening and will be announcing the outcome of that and what they are putting into action by early tomorrow morning.

Watch this space.

I will say it was a great meeting and reminded me of that scene in Independence day..

"WE will not go quietly into the night"
Trouble is we all know what kind of alien 👽 you are dealing with but I live in hope 🙏🤞💙
Hi people, all the supporters groups have had an emergency meeting this evening and will be announcing the outcome of that and what they are putting into action by early tomorrow morning.

Watch this space.

I will say it was a great meeting and reminded me of that scene in Independence day..

""WE will not go quietly into the night""
"We will not lay down and die" is more appropriate…
They are not currently, they still want to buy the club but there is a communication break down (what a surprise) until RM sees sense. Hopefully that is beng resolved as i type.
This is because they need to find the money and are contacting funders to be able to raise the money to buy the lot… even though RM can’t sell the lot
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