when we left off, the land of blue and white was facing a dilemma, what to do for the best?? in fact it was split into 2, one half white and one half blue(or not so blue depending if you lived around hamlet court road,then you were a nice shade of brown) many many times the masses had seen these proclamations from the high, about moving to a new castle ,and just like before there was a lack of groats, available. from a distance, riding a white and blue charger, came a figure, charismatic, flowing blond hair, experienced in campaigns in the early 90s , his name was dj hadok he was firmly aligned with the furry folk and for a special reason, as his hamlet on the slopes of the existing castle, was at risk, as plans to build upto 400 dwellings, and places of entertainment would affect his way of life. One of his offspring sought to spread the word of this new leader, but despite living in a democracy his word was banned, as they the rulers didnt want any gloom and despondancy spread amongst the populace. this nice saintly person was spending his time starting a campaign against those in the castle. Would he be successful, only time would tell. But at least he would stand up for cause, making sure the populace knew the truth about the man who would be king, and the small man