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2017 General Election thread

Agreed, if May wins, the usual rent-a-mob will surface.

I find it hard to fathom that people who voted Brexit, would vote Corbyn though. Is he, and his team really the people to lead us in negotiations.

I'll admit, I don't have too much faith in May, but between Corbyn & Abbott, I think it'd be carnage

I think a lot of lapsed but traditional Labour supporters voted Brexit and are thinking of voting Labour this time. Not because they like Corbyn (those I know don't care much for him much at all) but are concerned about the NHS and the costs of social care and on those issues they go for Labour even with Corbyn ahead of the Conservatives.
Abbott is a clown but for every Labour clown there seems to be an equivalent Conservative clown. Choosing between Corbyn and May is like choosing between Stalin and Stalin's nanny.
Strange how people are so obsessed wth the incompetence of Abbott, but seem completely fine with Hammond, May, Johnson, Hunt et al. Or when you think about it maybe it isn't strange at all...

You forgot Gove.

Must admit there's been some fine, educational and good natured debate on the pages of this thread I have dipped into. Compared to the hate and bile spewing around social media, it's been a pleasure to read. What else should I expect from fellow Southend fans eh?

Personally despite being fairly left wing in my values I've never been a Labour voter and was no fan of New Labour who I considered to be Tory Lite. But Corbyn's really won me over this campaign (you can tell he's doing well when the Tories' only tactic is slyly editing videos to put comments he made 30 years ago out of context) and coupled with the fact my local candidate is by far the pick of the bunch when it comes to local issues and experience and I'm going with the reds this time around. I don't expect they will win but it will certainly be an interesting night.
I think a lot of lapsed but traditional Labour supporters voted Brexit and are thinking of voting Labour this time. Not because they like Corbyn (those I know don't care much for him much at all) but are concerned about the NHS and the costs of social care and on those issues they go for Labour even with Corbyn ahead of the Conservatives.
Abbott is a clown but for every Labour clown there seems to be an equivalent Conservative clown. Choosing between Corbyn and May is like choosing between Stalin and Stalin's nanny.

You're right, I guess it does comes down to which is the lesser of two evils. Neither candidate, nor party, are trustworthy IMO.
So if correct the 3rd bomber was in Britain on an Italian passport. Good example of exactly why we should not guarantee all 3m EU migrants living here all ready. Those that are likely to murder us should be first out off the door and every hard working and welcome migrant would agree with me[/B].

This is so very wrong.For all sorts of reasons.

This particular migrant certainly doesn't agree with you.
I see Mrs May has been criticised for watering down Labour's strict Control Order regime when she was Home Secretary. This restricted the freedom of terror suspects where there was insufficient evidence for a prosecution.

Also, it has emerged that Nick Timothy, her most senior aide, accused the Police Federation of "shroud waving" in 2015 when they protested against the cuts.

You really have to question the judgement of Mrs May.
Anti Terror Laws.

So this one is a bit odd. In 2010 police had the power to detain without charge for 28 days but Theresa May watered that down to 14 days. In 2017 when she is 2 days before an election and low on ideas she announced she wants to put detention back up to 28 days.

Interesting point is that David Davis previously called a by-election as a protest against 42 day detention. I wonder if May consulted him before this announcement, if he felt that strongly on 42 days I can't see him backing the current level being doubled.
One of my best friends posted this on FB:

Why is your vote no longer between you and your conscience.
I was brought up to believe that you never discuss politics, religion or money and I still think this holds true. The subjects are very divisive.
I have lovely friends, but I know from comments they make, not just on here, that some of our views are different. That's a good thing but I would not wish to loose their friendship over it.
I see name calling of 'the other side'. Surely if you believe strongly then you post or comment about the positive things your favoured party will bring to government.
All governments make unpopular decisions. It would be impossible to run the country without doing so. In addition wherever you increase funding, in any area, it has to be paid for. So some will gain and some will loose.
Any government has to deal with the unpopular choices of the last but you don't see any of them overturning those choices.
The other disturbing thing in the last decade or so are the post election riots. Why? We live in a democracy. If the outcome is not our choice we vote again next time, and we are guaranteed to be able to do that again in 5 years time. A great privilege.
So please, let's stop the name calling. If you do wish to publicly support your choice for government, then talk about the great changes they are going to bring, or volunteer to help campaign for them. If you feel very strongly join the party. Slagging off the last lot is easy.
Come Friday we all need to live and stand together again against a greater evil.
It's hard from afar to work out exactly what has gone on but it seems to me the Tories have blown a massive pre-election lead. Can I possibly have an answer with as little political bias as possible from pro or anti Tory that explains what is going on. Which combination of defence, education, health, immigration, Brexit, emergency services are Labour winning the housewives vote on?

I've only ever voted once and not for a mainstream party. What I do know is a vote for Labour is a vote for catastrophe. I can't think of one post war Labour government that has left the country in a better financial position than when it entered parliament. We all want some of the values that they stand for but not at the expense of ruining the country again.
Well said OBL. All we should really be concerned with is defeating the evil which has descended upon the World and, whatever it takes we must support whoever is in power on Friday to achieve this. Hopefully our leaders will take monumental action to restore our Society and destroy those who want to destroy us. Everything else takes a back seat IMHO.
It's hard from afar to work out exactly what has gone on but it seems to me the Tories have blown a massive pre-election lead. Can I possibly have an answer with as little political bias as possible from pro or anti Tory that explains what is going on. Which combination of defence, education, health, immigration, Brexit, emergency services are Labour winning the housewives vote on?

I've only ever voted once and not for a mainstream party. What I do know is a vote for Labour is a vote for catastrophe. I can't think of one post war Labour government that has left the country in a better financial position than when it entered parliament. We all want some of the values that they stand for but not at the expense of ruining the country again.

I think some of the promises for abolishing uni fees and investment in the NHS are two of the biggest head turners.

Worth reading up about the Naylor Review - it is essentially asset stripping - Drs to be banned from capital purchases such as MRI scanners unless they fund it by selling off assets held by the NHS to private companies.

Theresa May confirmed the Conservatives would back the report if they win the election and told the BBC’s Andrew Neil: “There’s a report that was done on the NHS, the Naylor Report, which set out what was needed. And we’re backing the proposals in the Naylor Report.”
Well said OBL. All we should really be concerned with is defeating the evil which has descended upon the World and, whatever it takes we must support whoever is in power on Friday to achieve this. Hopefully our leaders will take monumental action to restore our Society and destroy those who want to destroy us. Everything else takes a back seat IMHO.
if you are referring to terrorism then the choice between cuts to services or investment in services seems to be vital. If we listen to the police they tell us that they can't cope with the massive reduction in their numbers, but not only that but cuts elsewhere means the police end up dealing with people with mental health issues, people who are homeless, youths hanging around streets as they have nowhere else to go - the police have to do the jobs no longer performed by others and it majorly cuts into time spent on their real work. With terrorist attacks in London and Manchester fresh in everyone's minds the only party who have not admitted that police cuts have put us in danger are the Conservatives - the only party not pledging to increase police numbers are the Conservatives. Keeping the public safe does not fit in with money saving reductions to services.
It's hard from afar to work out exactly what has gone on but it seems to me the Tories have blown a massive pre-election lead. Can I possibly have an answer with as little political bias as possible from pro or anti Tory that explains what is going on. Which combination of defence, education, health, immigration, Brexit, emergency services are Labour winning the housewives vote on?

I've only ever voted once and not for a mainstream party. What I do know is a vote for Labour is a vote for catastrophe. I can't think of one post war Labour government that has left the country in a better financial position than when it entered parliament. We all want some of the values that they stand for but not at the expense of ruining the country again.

Ahistorical hogwash.
I think a lot of lapsed but traditional Labour supporters voted Brexit and are thinking of voting Labour this time. Not because they like Corbyn (those I know don't care much for him much at all) but are concerned about the NHS and the costs of social care and on those issues they go for Labour even with Corbyn ahead of the Conservatives.
Abbott is a clown but for every Labour clown there seems to be an equivalent Conservative clown. Choosing between Corbyn and May is like choosing between Stalin and Stalin's nanny.

There are also an awful lot of people that won't vote labour whilst Corduroy is around. I've made it pretty clear what I think of his lack of leadership over anti-semitism in the party, and his inability to lead his own party in general, but that doesn't really bother the vast majority of people. (However, I would question the judgement of anyone who votes for a person that is sympathetic to any form of racism, and terrorism for that matter.)

All that said, as a lifelong labour voter I have obviously spoken to a lot of traditional labour voters over the last few weeks and months, and a lot of those won't vote labour under Corduroy. A lot of people just don't see him as leadership material, hence his personal standing in the polls.

The only conclusion you can therefore come to if the vote is close is that labour would have won if it wasn't for him (and possibly Car Crash Abbott).
There are also an awful lot of people that won't vote labour whilst Corduroy is around. I've made it pretty clear what I think of his lack of leadership over anti-semitism in the party, and his inability to lead his own party in general, but that doesn't really bother the vast majority of people. (However, I would question the judgement anyone who votes for a person that is sympathetic to any form of racism, and terrorism for that matter.)

All that said, as a lifelong labour voter I have obviously spoken to a lot of traditional labour voters over the last few weeks and months, and a lot of those won't vote labour under Corduroy. A lot of people just don't see him as leadership material, hence his personal standing in the polls.

The only conclusion you can therefore come to if the vote is close is that labour would have won if it wasn't for him (and possibly Car Crash Abbott).

I disagree. There has been a massive groundswell behind JC. A lot of people feel empowered to vote as it's not the continuation of the neo-Liberal model so beloved of the Tories and New Labour.

Sadly I don't think he'll win, but maybe, just maybe he can form a coalition Government of centre-left parties.
[FONT=&][FONT=&]Anti Terror Laws.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&][FONT=&]So this one is a bit odd. In 2010 police had the power to detain without charge for 28 days but Theresa May watered that down to 14 days. In 2017 when she is 2 days before an election and low on ideas she announced she wants to put detention back up to 28 days.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&][FONT=&]Interesting point is that David Davis previously called a by-election as a protest against 42 day detention. I wonder if May consulted him before this announcement, if he felt that strongly on 42 days I can't see him backing the current level being doubled.[/FONT][/FONT]

This is interesting:

The Independent