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  1. yogi bear up the cagire

    HULL..........stripping, streaming and screaming

    There are those lucky ones who are able to get to the game 'in the flesh' so to speak and there are other ex-pats, who will be able to sit in the confort of their local pub or bar and watch the game on a large TV screen. For the rest of us it's radio or Blues Player (if it works!)...........but...
  2. Cricko

    Faceache problem

    Hi chaps, this has just happened today and seems to be affecting a few others.http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=126372.15 When trying to open up Faceache PM's I get a trojan horse alert from Avast and cannot access messages. Infection: JS:Agent-BWQ [Trj] Any ideas?
  3. yogi bear up the cagire


    I know that I tend to recycle this old chestnut every time we are going to appear on TV. However, things on the web change so quickly that people may be able to share advice on any new, free football sites that are likely to relay the match on Saturday. This is a great help for those who...
  4. * ORM *

    Internet Streaming

    Cant remember who I used for Gills game but I do know it got through Mcafee and left me with a Trojan (now cleaned up) Anyone got any recommendations please? Vipbox looks ok and has the game scheduled but I'll consider all suggestions.

    While looking for a crack I have managed to stumble upon a hackers site and some p%&*k has lumbered me with a Trojan Virus called Trojan Adclicker. f%&king thing is driving me spare. Anyone out there know how to get rid of it. Worth a couple of beers to my soon to be hero at the...
  6. * ORM *

    PC Security Website

    While people like Bob C scoff at my computer illiteracy help is at hand for idiots like me. Despite the firewalls etc I have on my PC a trojan and loads of adware viruses got through. One of the guys here helped me destroy them. (Security forum). Sadly I registered there as ORM - I was more...
  7. southend4ever

    PC Problem

    Moderators, could you please leave this in here for a while because this is where i will get the most responses if any, thank you. My PC has a nasty virus, Trojan horse downloader.small.9.ad I have adware and spyware as well as avg for windows virus'. none of them completely get rid of...
  8. southend4ever

    PC Problem

    Moderators, could you please leave this in here for a while because this is where i will get the most responses if any, thank you. My PC has a nasty virus, Trojan horse downloader.small.9.ad I have adware and spyware as well as avg for windows virus'. none of them completely get rid of...