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  1. Rusty Shackleford

    The Clock Ticks On

    From Mark Steyn: The world divides into those who sincerely believe in that "Coexist" sticker and those who think it's a delusional evasion. After all, if it weren't for that big Muslim crescent "C" at the front, you wouldn't need a bumper sticker at all: That peace-symbol "O"? It's Muslims...
  2. MrB

    FC - Season 25

    Opening the season with a throw from the opposition. Lost the toss which is expensive as it looks like I'll be done in one day so will lose gate receipts (with the gate already down as usual in the early season). The players are off the field for the change of innings. End of Over 16...
  3. Poetry Corner

    I am a new poster who has spent a wee while observing some of the comings & goings on this site & it appears that we are a diverse bunch who are receptive to many topics & discussions. In order to address my own previous misdeamenours as the evil nanny in The Omen I have turned my hand to poetry...
  4. CC51DAS

    Breaking News "colchester and southend to merge"

    Overheard at Roots Hall on Friday night a guy who had met Ron Martin on the tube last week who said that Colchester Chairman Robbie Cowling has had enough and wants to merge Colchester United and Southend United. Cowling is apparently fed up with having more empty plastic seats than you could...
  5. Question The legacy shirt? Info, please

    Apologies, if this was flagged up already and missed. But just noticed that come November 30, the wife's 100 smackers have been in the clutches of the club for a year - and no shirt, or so much as a thread, except this one....:unsure:
  6. Winkle

    Just how stupid can our Country get?

    "The immigration minister, Damian Green, has denied MPs' claims that a "silent amnesty" has been granted to more than 160,000 asylum seekers over the past five years by a UK Border Agency (UKBA) that is still "not fit for purpose". A report published by the Commons home affairs select committee...
  7. Cricko

    Leyton Orient threaten legal action

    Leyton Orient have threatened to sue the Premier League for tens of millions of pounds in damages if they do not reconsider their decision to allow West Ham to move to the Olympic Stadium in Stratford. Orient believe that if West Ham move to the stadium, which is within a mile of their Brisbane...
  8. Sham Set to Win Olympic Stadium

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-12412739 They're the preferred bidders of the Olympic Park Legacy Company, and it's widely expected that the government will back their recommendation.
  9. Legacy shirt

    Please tell me I'm not the only who thinks the marketing bods at Roots Hall must be living in lala land creating this legacy shirt thing - and failing to realise that as far as fans are concerned the majority of us are fast coming round to the opinion that we aren't moving stadium any time soon...
  10. Shirts Even Less Popular.

    If you thought the response to the Legacy shirt was bad , this team have done even worse. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-11501632
  11. southendkid

    Legacy shirt (old thread from 2010)

    http://www.southendunited.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10444~2171936,00.html :finger2: Didn't see this anywhere else, is this Ron's latest attempt to make some money? Does this mean there are still money troubles? Am I reading too much into this? Also why does it need a separate website just for...
  12. OldBlueLady

    SZ's Southend United Hall of Fame 7th Round Nominations

    SZ's Southend United Hall of Fame (courtesy of Yorkshire Blue) For a bit of fun and to honour our club's history, I propose starting a SZ Hall of Fame to recognise the true legends of Southend United. The words legend and great are bandied about a bit too often for my liking, I'd like our Hall...
  13. pickledseal

    Bobby Robson (RIP) & Liberia: Football's Legacy of hope

    Saw this two page spread in yesterday's Sunday Mirror (can't find anything more than <this>, and found corresponding article on CAFOD website. It doesn't quite explain where all the shirts came from in this article but they were the ones left at St James' park: Liberia: Football's Legacy of...
  14. Cricko

    Down Down Deeper and Down

    Ok we are down..is this a new beginning or a total mismanagement of our football club..IMO we have been sent down the river for a pocket full of gold. I cannot remember when in my 40 odd years of supporting SUFC when I have felt so low....we have such a great fan base as this site shows..and we...
  15. Slipperduke

    Time For Chelsea To Grow Up

    WHAT’S GONE WRONG AT CHELSEA? For six years, Chelsea have been a relentless winning machine, but that arrogant sense of superiority has faded away. In its place is hesitancy, vulnerability and a worrying inability to dictate the flow of games. Chelsea are dropping points so frequently that...
  16. seany t

    Tron Legacy

    As a kid, I remember this weird video 'Tron' in the corner of the local rental store. I watched it, didn't really get it or like it as a ten year old, and that was that. Except that it wasn't it. For some unknown reason, I found myself repeatedly hiring it out, over and over. Then I found...
  17. Can things get any worse?

    A lot of fans feel very depressed about what's been going on at our club recently, but can things get any worse? I'm afraid the answer is yes. The one great thing we still have at this club right now is Tilly & Brush. They've proved what they can do on a tight (but reasonable) budget and in...
  18. Tangled up in Blue

    Out of recession?

    Business Recession Out of recession – but how did we get there and what happens next?Despite tomorrow's good news Labour fears economy may slip back again by the time of a May general election Buzz up! Digg it Patrick Wintour, political editor guardian.co.uk, Monday 25 January 2010 22.10 GMT...
  19. 50 games which defined a decade - Part 1 (2000-2004)

    As we've had our last game of the decade, I had planned to do something about the top twenty matches of the ten years just gone but I found it very difficult to leave some matches out, plus in truth it's some of the defeats which have stuck with me the most. And rather than doing a countdown I...
  20. Slipperduke

    Sell The Hammers Now

    Pride. It's the one thing that no man can take from you. Icelandic bank Straumar, who control CB Holdings, who in turn control West Ham, are a proud group of men. They're not going to be messed around by two cockney chancers like David Gold and David Sullivan. The word on the street is that...