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  1. Colin Firth.

    What is the world coming to when Colin Firth can win the Oscar for best actor? I haven't seen the film which I assume is unwatchable **** like the rest of his output but for me he is a poor mans Hugh Grant at best.
  2. Tangled up in Blue

    Golden Globe awards

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/share/370681774 Any comments on the GG awards? Colin Firth hotly tipped for a well deserved Oscar I notice.
  3. Tangled up in Blue

    Luvvies come out against The Lib-Dems

  4. DoDTS

    A Stirring Match - A Warcry for Tomorrow.

    Col Ewe tomorrow and I'm sure we don't need a WarCry but sometimes it's worth remembering who and what we are. We are Southenders, Southend United supporters with a proud history and love for our town and our club, not dependent on success (unlike our deluded premiership counterparts) but we...
  5. Aberdeen Shrimper

    Marine power could be here by 2010

    The first commercial marine power projects in the UK could be deployed by 2010, it has been announced. The Pentland Firth, between the Scottish mainland and Orkney, is to be opened up to commercial wind and wave power developments, the Crown Estate confirmed. The move was welcomed by First...
  6. Slipperduke

    The Curse of Spurs

    The Forth Bridge in Scotland is a magnificent sight. A mile and a half long, it’s an immense, yet beautiful assembly of blood red steel bars and rivets carrying hundreds of trains a day over the wonderfully named Firth of Forth. It is said, usually by locals eager to fool a gullible traveller...
  7. MrB

    BT - Week 8

    Another week, another easy victory..... End of Over 27: 194-1, runrate=7.19 Arber 7-0-61-0 Maymann* 52 (41 balls) Longthorn 78 (89 balls) Thought I'd give Firth a go at opener for once but he only made 47 so Longthorn and Maymann resume their usual partnership. Longthorn going for a...
  8. MrB

    BT YP's

    Finally someone half useful!! Derek Firth - 19 yo, BT Rating=4,047 RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, respectable form, Healthy A defensive player with strong leadership skills and abysmal experience. Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: woeful Batting: proficient Concentration: abysmal...