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  1. Silencer

    There's a circus in the town...

    Reading the Ben Clarkson Twitter thread I have come up with the idea of this thread, just for some light entertainment and to realise that it has actually been worse and more farcical at our beloved club. Please post some of the sublime and ridiculous things that have happened @ the Hall over...
  2. OldBlueLady

    Question Eurovision

    What a load of rubbish that was last night. An instantly forgettable winner, however political a subject it may have been. The inclusion of Australia was farcical. An excellent production by the Swedish, as reasonable a song from us as we've had for many a year and a real change to the voting...
  3. Yorkshire Blue

    Worst conditions a match has continued in

    Following on from the Sunderland in the fog game, what other matches have continued in farcical conditions? I remember JCR on a waterlogged pitch against (or had he already moved there?) Barnsley in the FA Cup. Someone had a shot and the ball didn't even reach the 6 yard box. Also away at...
  4. Cricko

    Zone Update Personal abuse and turning The Zone into a playground.

    This has to stop chaps and ladies.. The Zone is becoming farcical with all the childish abuse and tit for tat rubbish. We should all be free to debate issues and opinions etc without every thread turning into a pantomime and ruining these forums for the majority. The same few people are...
  5. Blue_Wes

    Joe Yoffe set to challenge FIFA's transfer window.

    Surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. Seems ex-Southend trialist Joe Yoffe is set to take FIFA to court and challenge the transfer window. He currently ply's his trade in Iceland, where due to the adverse weather they endure, the season (and subsequently many player contracts) ends outside...
  6. londonblue

    Damilola Taylor Killer Released...Again

    What do we make of this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-16722402 The guy has been released, broken the terms of his release, put back in prison, and now released again. He has also shown zero remorse. Should he be allowed out if he's shown no remorse? To me that's an interesting...
  7. Stevenage Managers Take on Sending Off - Farcical!!!

    Go on to the BBC Match report and listen to the Stevenage Manager's interpretation of the game and the tackle on Cloughessy - the man must be on drugs!! It has to be one of the worst tackles I have seen in 40 years of watching football. Stevenage have to be the worst team we have played in ages...
  8. Rules Are Rules. Unless You're Portsmouth.

    When Portsmouth’s 4th owner of the season presumably won the club in a game of pass-the-financially-defunct-parcel, did nobody explain the basic rules of English football? The news that Portsmouth have applied for extraordinary circumstances to the Premier League in order to sell their...
  9. Five Star Pac Man Reigns Supreme.

    If ever there was any doubt regarding Manny Pacquiao's claim to the pound-for-pound crown, it was swept away with a simply stunning performance last night. The Phillipino, dubbed Pac Man, stormed to a win over the supremely talented Miguel Cotto and, in doing so, claimed his fifth world title...
  10. And Now to Sky, For the Greatest Show on Earth...

    My seat on the sofa is reserved, my snacks and drinks are set, my TV is set to channel 405 and we're all ready to go for the latest Summer Blockbuster that is transfer window deadline day 2009. At least, that's what Sky would have you believe is going on in living rooms across the country. The...
  11. Slipperduke

    Kicked To the Curb

    There's never a dull moment in the EPL. Just 24 hours after the farcical scenes at St James Park, Alan Curbishley nipped in ahead of Kevin Keegan to become the first manager of the season to leave his club, resigning after an unhappy spell at West Ham. The history books will hint at a short...
  12. Would you vote for these policies

    After the success of the SNP last night and seeing the unelectability of the two main (only) parties in English parties, I have decided to start up a new party; The ENP (English Nationalist Party). Below is a list of sample policies, so please vote! - The union to be scrapped as the barnett...
  13. Uncle Leo

    The fbm report - Port Vale

    I'm just about to head out for the day so won't get the chance to put this on the front page, so here's the final fbm report of the regular season. Enjoy! APATHY REIGNED – AND WE ALL GOT WET. Southend failed to finish their main season with a bang as they were held to a draw by the bottom side...
  14. sufcintheprem

    sufcintheprem ratings

    Seeing as its been a while since I did these and, for a change, I'm not doing the slightly arduous 2 hour journey home, I thought I might put up my thoughts on today's game. All in all, we weren't really that bad overall. Oldham succeeded where many other clubs have failed in the past and...
  15. Napster

    Baker and Kelly podcast

    is no more Dear All, It appals me to say it but there will be no more All Day Breakfast Shows nor Baker & Kelly's. There has now been a irreversible and utter breakdown between the on-air team and the company who have, with varying degrees of success, provided it to you online. I suppose I...
  16. fbm

    The fbm view and ratings

    LAST MINUTE DRAMA AS BLUES HELD What a day my 7 year old daughter decided to insist on making her Roots Hall debut. I think it was her insistence on sitting in the front row of the East blacks that made this a fairly painful (and wet) experience. On the pitch the first half wasn't much better...
  17. Spikey Shrimper

    Ruined by the weather!

    But I still can't believe we cocked that up!!!! Why didn't Guttridge just boot it? Instead he tried a ten yard pass that travelled 2 yards and the lucky northern bastards sneek one in! We were guilty of trying to play the ball on the floor too often. It was the sort...
  18. The Watermill Wino

    Escape to Essex!

    I can now see the reason for the delay in planning for Fossets re ROADS and access. The whole exit strategy from WHLane was farcical, gridlocked cars, traffic management stuttering and wayning, frustrated drivers cutting up on the inside and causing more grief. I was amazed to see the Shrimper...
  19. palexander

    America Samoa

    Anyone see this on Football365? Apparantly, the American Samoa national team (who lost 20 or 30 odd nill to Australia) played New Zealand recently. They did very well - only lost 11-0... The thing is, Samoa kicked off by booting the ball to the NZ keeper and all 11 Samoans ran back to the...