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  1. fbm

    Blog time

    I haven't done a blog on my main blogging site for nearly 2 years so I've rectified that with my year in review - far too much has happened for just one blogpost so here is January http://sowhogetscustodyofthenectarpoints.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/in-first-month-of-new-year-my-true-love.html
  2. fbm

    Lifestyle change - who's with me?

    Holidays soon (can't wait) and then I will be undertaking a serious lifestyle change. This year has been a year of drama for me and unfortunately, I haven't eaten anywhere near as healthily this year as I would like due to a lack of time, quite a lot of convenience food and the pounds have...
  3. southend4ever


    Hi all, After my continuing fight against a mental illness I am keen to get blogging. Are there any bloggers out there and can you recommend any good sites? Thanks, Greg
  4. Kent Shrimper

    Need a Logo

    Afternoon one and all I need a Logo for a Blogging site www.corporategiveaways.biz and wondered if anyone fancied having a bash? I am compltly open to ideas on this Cheers Andy
  5. OldBlueLady

    Chairman's Blog 12th May

    Chairman's Blog I believe I have now answered all those questions – either singularly or combined – that have been sent to the Club’s media department. There were one or two “stragglers” but these points were covered in earlier responses. I have yet to come to a...
  6. my new footy team

    hiya people, just for a bit of fun i decided to create a site/blog for our 6 aside football team, THE FOOTBALLHEADS, the team is made up by cousins and friends we hope to do well this season, anyway i just thought id see stop by and see what you guys think of it. go easy on me its my first...
  7. blueparrot

    be carefull!

    Has anyone seen this? To summarise, Sheffield Wednesday have brought a court injunction to identify a forum poster who has been badmouthing the chairman. Any opinions?