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Breaking News Kanu/Federici Loan Extensions


Mummy's Little Soldier
Kanu has had his loan extended again, just confirmed by Tilly on BBC Essex. Another 27 days apparently.

Oh, and Tilly also revealed he's in talks with reading over extending Fed's loan being extended, and it looks like it's going to go through.
Could be a good night all round then! A solid point away from home and then the loan extensions for 2 important players. Woooooooooooo
Meanwhile, boss Steve Tilson confirmed that he had struck a deal to keep loan duo Adam Federicic and Hal Robson-Kanu on loan at Roots Hall.

"Adam will be staying with us up until the FA Cup game at the start of November but he won't be allowed to play in that," he said.

"Steve Mildenhall did well at Tottenham by all accounts but he still needs a few matches before he is fit.

"We have also taken Hal for a futher 27 days, the maximum we are now allowed to do so."

From the OS, Feds staying for the next 3 league games! :)
good to have these players for a bit longer but then what.......Mildenhall will be a decent keeper IMO, but we dont have a replacement for HRK.......I think walker may get a run out there when e goes back to reading while I do like walker he not as good as HRK
That is fantastic news for everyone involved.

So glad Hal and the club have extended his load period to the maximum aloud, just a shame we will not be able to extend it beyond the extra 27 days.

As for Adam Federici that is great news, gives Steve Mildenhall time to get fully match fit (and pick up some tips from Adam in training). Will mean we have Adam in goal for the Bristol Rovers (A), Leeds (H), and Col Ewe (H) games.
Best news I could have woken up to relating to the team other than the powers that be had over ruled the penalty decision last night and declared the officials incompetent fools! The prospect of seeing Fed in goal for both Leeds and Col U at least, is very exciting.
Really GREAT news to wake up to. Really happy about both of them but particularly Fed.
as he seems to give such confidence to the defence and, consequently, to the whole team.
On reflection, the only little doubt about this is that I hope it is not going to create problems for Mildenhall when, eventually, he does come back. We all know the difficulties that he faced in replacing Flavs and Federici's stock seems to be rising at an astronomic rate. I suppose the difference is that Federici, we can enjoy, but know that we can never have him, apart from on loan................whereas Flavs was ours.
That is fantastic news for everyone involved.

So glad Hal and the club have extended his load period to the maximum aloud, just a shame we will not be able to extend it beyond the extra 27 days.

As for Adam Federici that is great news, gives Steve Mildenhall time to get fully match fit (and pick up some tips from Adam in training). Will mean we have Adam in goal for the Bristol Rovers (A), Leeds (H), and Col Ewe (H) games.

Why is it 27 days is the maximum? So he will have to go back after that? Why not just get a season long loan, I am confused
Why is it 27 days is the maximum? So he will have to go back after that? Why not just get a season long loan, I am confused

The maximum time allowed on loan (if it is done month to month) is 93 days and so HRK will have to return to Reading when this is up. We can however sign him permanently I believe immediately after the loan if we want to, although sadly I'd be surprised if Reading let him go.


Both loans are great news in the short-term but in the grand scheme of things our side could be significantly weakened in a months time.

How come Federici is only staying until the start of November? Surely the minimum you can extend it is a month?

It is a bit strange that we only signed Robson-Kanu for a month at the start, as this now obviously means we'll be without him for December. Odd.

Hopefully we'll get another left winger in before the deadline otherwise we're going to be terribly unbalanced.
Meanwhile, boss Steve Tilson confirmed that he had struck a deal to keep loan duo Adam Federicic and Hal Robson-Kanu on loan at Roots Hall.

"Adam will be staying with us up until the FA Cup game at the start of November but he won't be allowed to play in that," he said.

"Steve Mildenhall did well at Tottenham by all accounts but he still needs a few matches before he is fit.

"We have also taken Hal for a futher 27 days, the maximum we are now allowed to do so."

From the OS, Feds staying for the next 3 league games! :)

Mildy did well at tottenham? he let in 6 lol