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Federecis Save


Thailand Shrimper
Feds save last night was almost Gordon Banks-esque. I've rarely seen someone save a shot low to the corner that has gone over the bar after the keeper has got a hand on it.

That must have had some fair spin on it!
quite simply the save of the season. you will not see a better one. he really is a class act and although i dont think we have a chance of signing him beyond november, he has been class here with us and deserves a massive thanks. hope tilly can sort something out because we look so much more solid with him between the sticks (brizzle rovers apart).
I said to the fella next to me that that was just like Gordon Banks.... quite unbelievable how he got it over bar
On the subject of Federici, not much has been said about he's kicks recently. Has he still been producing the type of kicks that everyone was raving about after his first game?
im unsure about this save, it looked fantastic, and i was sitting as close as you could get to it, but i have to say i dont think that was intended, im pretty sure he intended to push it round the post, no keeper would attempt to push that over the bar from there! dont get me wrong im not knocking him, and think hes the best keeper we've had at the hall as long as i can remember, but he didnt get a clean hand to it!
im unsure about this save, it looked fantastic, and i was sitting as close as you could get to it, but i have to say i dont think that was intended, im pretty sure he intended to push it round the post, no keeper would attempt to push that over the bar from there! dont get me wrong im not knocking him, and think hes the best keeper we've had at the hall as long as i can remember, but he didnt get a clean hand to it!

It was more the fact he got to it at all that amazed me?

It was going some and not far from him, but he was down and on it in a blink of the eye. It'll never be regarded in the same books as Banks' effort, mainly due to 99.9% of the population having not seen it, but it was absolutely outstanding nonetheless.
His kicking tonight was a bit mis-measured. Too many went straight to the goalie, or out for a goal kick. We also need to mix it up a bit; give him options to distribute to by hand for instance.

The kick of the night for me though was when he gave them the ball back by a kick that landed about a yard from their corner flag.
on the other hand the leeds keeper produced a few amazing saves too. we could have won by at least 3 last night. best display of goalkeeping at roots hall so far for me

I thought your keeper looked decidedly shaky at times. If we'd had a few long range attempts on target, I wonder if the scoreline might have been a goal or two larger?

I'd agree with that. Couldn't catch a cold, even in that temperature last night. I am quite surprised Leeds haven't gone out and got a new keeper actually.

On the subject of Federici, I have to say I think he's a superior keeper to Hahnemann and I'm quite surprised he hasn't been given more of a go by them.
I'd agree with that. Couldn't catch a cold, even in that temperature last night. I am quite surprised Leeds haven't gone out and got a new keeper actually.

On the subject of Federici, I have to say I think he's a superior keeper to Hahnemann and I'm quite surprised he hasn't been given more of a go by them.

Spot on on both counts.

Fed's save was the best save I've seen at Roots Hall since Flavs saved McGleish's header in the play-off semi final vs Northampton.
On the subject of Federici, I have to say I think he's a superior keeper to Hahnemann and I'm quite surprised he hasn't been given more of a go by them.
My Reading supporting mate agrees and is pretty sure he'll be first choice next season. Apparently Hahnemann has dropped a couple of clangers recently so I was surprised when we managed to keep him for another month.
i think my dad was right last night, baring in mind he has supported the club for about 40 years, when he said he is probably the best goalie that has ever played for us and that includes samson and royce.
i dont know whether anyone else has noticed how well him and revell work together, seems like a strange combo, but you watch on saturday how many flicks the rev wins from his kicking, its astonishing!!! although i think a lot of it is to do with the tradectory? of his kicking because it doesn't give the defender a chance to out jump the striker. and that save, wow!
His save was simply breathtaking , they talk about goals winning games , but that save won us the game , i'm convinced had Leeds of scored they would of rolled us over .

It was at a time when Leeds where threatening and the fact that they were willing to gamble and throw 5 up front means they would of made us more nervous , and nwhen we are nervous we concead cheap goals .

As for his kicking , yes as soon as he has the ball Revell spins and darts into the channel where Feds time upon time managed to find him , the way he slices the ball means it is the toughest and most awkard ball to judge and defend against .

Without getting carried away , he is the best keeper i've seen for us since i started following tgh blues in 91 .

all the argueing that has ensued on this board about us having a quaility keeper on board and all the previous faults we have found with our No1 's has been silenced as this guy is a class act .

If Tilly can sign him perm it will be one of his best signings to date.
Feds save last night was almost Gordon Banks-esque. I've rarely seen someone save a shot low to the corner that has gone over the bar after the keeper has got a hand on it.

That must have had some fair spin on it!

That was an amazing save. I could have sworn that the few seconds between him saving it and it going over was an hour. Would be amazing and a miracle if we sign him on a perm deal.